Together with the Außenwirtschaft of the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce, the Software Internet Cluster organized an export and promotion event on October 19 for interested entrepreneurs who would also like to take a look across the borders. The participants had the opportunity to get an overview of the services and offers of the AW and to exchange ideas with the export experts on site.
SIC / AW Export and Promotion Event
As part of the internationalization offensive, the SIC invited local companies interested in export offensives in the WKK in Klagenfurt on October 19th, together with the Außenwirtschaftscenter Kärnten. Participants from different industries, such as consulting and software, were able to get an overview of the services and subsidies – in a very relaxed manner with delicious snacks and refreshments.

Live Video Session with Alex Pinter – Managing Director of the online fan platform Inscouts about his export experiences
The main focus of the event was on export offensives for services abroad, as well as the use of international cooperation and project platforms such as the Enterprise European Network (EEN), as well as the numerous consulting services of the AW and offers of go-international funding.
The participants also got insights into the practice by Alex Pinter – managing director of the online fan platform Inscouts, who shared his experiences in relation to the export of services and the use of go-international subsidies with the audience via video call.
Overview of important Services:
- An overview of Carinthia’s foreign trade services
- Internationalization funding go-international
- Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Marketplace
- Innovation Agency
- Export Offensives
- EXPORT and ZOLL competence workshop
We would like to thank the entire AW / go-international team, as well as all interested and committed participants for the interactive and informative event!
With cross-border greetings from the SIC!