The important award for standardization and innovation goes into the 8th round. Austrian Standards is looking for companies, organizations, research institutions and start-ups. The award goes to projects in which standards play a key role.
Call for innovative projects started!
The invitation to tender for the Living Standards Award 2022 has started and Austrian Standards is looking for innovative companies, organizations, research institutions and start-ups for the 8th time. Innovative solutions, exportable ideas and future technologies are honored. The call for proposals runs until September 30, 2021 which can be submitted online via the Austrian Standards website.

Living Standards Award 2020: innovative solutions, exportable ideas and future technologies in the spotlight | Source: Austrian Standards
The Living Standards Award has developed into the most important prize for standardization and innovation in recent years. More than 30 award winners are already part of the Community of Excellence. They come from business, research, administration as well as from the innovation and start-up area. You can find more information about the previous winners and the award itself as well as videos and pictures here.
In the IT sector in particular, standards play an important role in product development, innovation processes or quality management. The award guarantees broad visibility – with a specialist audience and among the general public. Participants also benefit from extensive media coverage, like publications in the futurezone.
Time to submit!
Submission deadline: September 30, 2021
Link to submission:
Link to the press release:
Link to the video clips: