The Software Internet Cluster invited to the annual general assembly on July 9th. This year the meeting took place in the Seepark Wörthersee Resort in Klagenfurt. Important topics around the Carinthian IT scene, as well as retrospectives and future projects of the SIC focus groups as well as internationalization matters were an integral part of the program.

Opening of the SIC General Assembly 2021 in the Seepark Wörthersee Resort | Photo: SIC
The event was opened with a summary report from SIC chairman Marc Gfrerer. Successful projects of the past year were examined again in more detail – and a lot has happened! Starting with new collaborations with large clusters and important partners from the Alpe-Adria region, expansion of the fiber optic infrastructure in Carinthia, numerous events, creation of new SIC focus groups to successfully implemented digitization and IT security projects, as well as anchoring an assistant for international affairs in the SIC.
After his comprehensive report, Ing.Marc Gfrerer handed over to the new assistant for international affairs Patrick Struger. The new assistant introduced himself to the numerous participants, explained his area of responsibility and the specific focus topics in the SIC and also gave a brief review of his previous activities in the cross-border area. Also the importance of networking among the members was particularly emphasized. Patrick ended his performance with a clear statement.
The SIC wants to act as a central point for Carinthian IT companies – regionally, nationally and internationally.
The next items on the agenda where the explanation of the various projects of the individual focus groups of the SIC in more detail. The focus group for IT security with Thorsten Jost and Holger Schmitz provided their expertise for the fourth edition of the Cyber Security Night and was able to book successful security projects with Carinthian authorities. The highlight of the last few months was the video series “IT security experts enlighten on TV“, which was shown on private television KT1 and in the Carinthian Economy News.
Of course, there was also a lot to report from the startup scene. As one of the first events in 2021, the SIC Startup Breakfast was launched by focus group leader Anja Silberbauer. The new format invited young entrepreneurs from Carinthia to a lively exchange about start-up perspectives, funding and investor networks over a delicious breakfast in Hafenstadt in Klagenfurt. There were also exciting outlooks on upcoming events of the innovative focus group.

Focus group eCommerce and Digital Sales on joint projects | Photo: SIC
The eCommerce focus group, headed by Daniel Kattnig, was also able to look back on a successful year. Numerous consultations on the subject of eCommerce, digitization and future prospects in the digital area were offered and taken here. There were also special highlights such as the DigiGUIDES or the WKO-Onlinehelden in cooperation with the new focus group Digital Sales with Bernd Buchegger.
The focus group for open source applications also went beyond the familiar environment. Here the recording of not yet mapped routes with the help of GPS devices (smartwatch, smartphone) was on the agenda. Geographical data was entered into the Open Street Map database during joint hikes by the FG OS – thank you very much!

UBIT specialist group chairman Martin Zandonella on successful prospects for fiber optic infrastructure in Carinthia | Photo: SIC
After the focus groups, the focus was on the expansion of the fiber optic infrastructure in Carinthia. Here, UBIT specialist group chairman Martin Zandonella summarized the Results of the broadband survey 2021 and shared current information from the region with the participants.

f. l.: Chairman Marc Gfrerer, former Chairman of the Advisory Board Prof. Heinrich C. Mayr and Managing Director Karin Zezulka | Photo: SIC
An emotional mood arose when the SIC honorary certificate was presented to the chairman of the advisory board, Prof. Heinrich C. Mayr, who resigned from his position at SIC after 23 years and thus made room for a new drive.

Face to face after a long time | Photo: SIC
Afterwards the participants were warmly invited to a stay-together with finger food & drinks in the Seepark garden, where the participants could exchange ideas again after a long time.
We look back on an exciting, successful year and are now looking forward to another successful year with all of you! We would like to thank all participants, partners and members very much for your attendance and the great cooperation so far!
With best regards from the SIC!