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Benefit from the experiences of others and get first-hand tips: The Software Internet Cluster, together with the CoC expert group UBIT, invited young entrepreneurs to an informative breakfast at Hafenstadt in Klagenfurt.

Bring your own company forward while drinking coffee? Yes, that is possible at the start-up breakfast of the Software Internet Cluster and the CoC expert group UBIT with experts group chairman Martin Zandonella. In a relaxed setting, experienced entrepreneurs such as Markus Schoas from HS2N Informationstechnologie GmbH and Anja Silberbauer from Harmony&Care and SIC start-up spokeswoman talked about their own experiences.

Startup Breakfast 2022

with Anja Silberbauer and Markus Schoas

f.l.: Markus Schoas and Anja Silberbauer with valuable experiences and information for young entrepreneurs

What would you do differently from today’s perspective? “Today I would pilot the service more comprehensively and lose less time and money in the start-up phase,” reveals Anja Silberbauer. Markus Schoas recommends: “Forming the right legal corporate structure right from the start and working more towards subscription models.” But that’s by no means all that startups take home from such networking events.

Prepared for the current situation

The currently uncertain situation on the world market also has an impact on those who are in the process of founding and building up a start-up. There are fewer investments, so founders should now pay more attention to subsidies and financing their company. Because start-ups should never make one mistake: not asking and asking for help! Only with a strong network, enough information and perseverance can compensate the challenges as a young entrepreneur.

Into the export with support

This also applies to export. Here, startups can fall back on the know-how of SIC internationalization assistant Patrick Struger. This builds bridges abroad for companies, helps with networking and even accompanies them to first appointments. Interested companies can contact SIC directly. Business ideas in IT and digitization are still in demand – trend topics here include e-health, NFT and IT security.

Stay tuned!

The next events for startups are already in the starting blocks, such as participation in the international PODIM Conference from May 16 to 18, 2022 in Maribor. As a member, you also benefit from ticket discounts of up to 50%!

Before that, on Wednesday, April 27th, there will be a first get-together with interested entrepreneurs and members of the SIC in Klagenfurt.

We would like to thank everyone who took part in our Startup Breakfast! We were very happy to get to know your exciting startups and you personally!

See you soon!